Leaders In Training Program
This program is offered to a limited number of teenagers who are at least twelve or thirteen years old and presently completing grades six or seven. The program incorporates regular camp activities and programming with leadership programs and training. The purpose of this program is to enjoy regular camp activities and to provide an introduction to helping out in a group and to developing a sense of responsibility in caring for children.
LIT's participate in regular camp activities in a group with their peers and with their own counselor, they will also participate in activities geared towards team-building and leadership. As part of their regular programming, campers swim twice a day, with swim instruction three of four mornings per week and a general swim or water slides four of five afternoons per week. The swim instruction is optional for this age group, and you can indicate on the registration form if your child does not want to take the swim lessons, and would like to do another activity.
The fee for this program is the same as a regular camper, and door to door bus service is provided, if it within one of our designated bus routes.
If you are interested in the Junior Leadership program, give us a call so that we can discuss the program further with you. This program is very popular and is usually the first to fill up.