Horse Back Riding
Horseback riding is a special feature of Redwood. This optional program is offered to campers finishing grade one and older. The lessons are given at a well-known stables in the Saint-Lazare/Rigaud area. These lessons are held one morning a week and they include, grooming the horse, preparation of the horse for riding and instruction in "English Saddle". Enrollment is limited with only 30 children accepted into the program. Cost is $90 per week.

Golf lessons are offered through Redwood at a popular golf course just minutes away from camp. This is an optional program offered to campers finishing grade one and older. The lessons are held one afternoon a week on the driving range & chipping/putting green. The goal is to teach a fluid swing, straight driving and chipping, plus the mechanics and rules of the game. Enrollment is limited with only 30 children accepted into the program. Cost: $65 per week.