A full-time bus coordinator organizes all the bus routes, designing routes in the most efficient and safe manner possible. All the routes are then driven out prior to camp.
Bus Service
The morning bus pick-up is usually between 8:00 and 8:30 A.M. and the afternoon bus drop-off is usually between 4:00 and 4:30 P.M. We cannot guarantee door to door bus service. CIT's meet the bus at the nearest meeting point. Families will receive a phone call from the office within a week before their first day of camp. The cost for bussing is $145 per week/ per camper, where available and subject to change.
Bus Route Districts:
Hampstead, Cote St. Luc, Westmount, NDG, DDO, Pierrefonds, Kirkland & Beaconsfield
**NEW Bus Route - Pointe-Claire to Baie d'Urfe south side**

Special Safety Features
All the large buses are the CE busses. When the bus stops, a special arm attached to the front bumper of the bus extends forward four feet. This means someone must walk around the arm in order to pass in from of the bus. If, on the rare occasion, it is necessary to cross in front of the bus, our bus duty monitor is always there to escort the camper. The buses have a special mechanism which prevents them from going more than 90 kms/per hour. Each bus also has a CB radio transmitter which is in contact with the Redwood office and head office at all times. The high backs of the seats of the bus are designed to give added security for its passengers. For safety reasons, children are not permitted to eat on the bus. Only drinks are allowed.
Bus Duty Monitors
All buses are supervised by bus duty monitors who have been trained in the care and safety of your child. The bus duty monitor walks the children on and off the bus each day, sees that the children are seated at all times on the bus and ensures that all the safety rules are followed.
Arrival & Departure
Two or three days prior to the first day of camp, parents receive a phone call with the name of the bus and approximate time of pick-up. For the first day or two, there is a fluctuation in time of pick-up but you are soon able to judge the pick up time and adjust your morning schedule accordingly. Children are picked up between 8:00 A.M. to 8:45 A.M. Upon arrival at camp, all campers are assisted off the bus and escorted to their unit area to meet their counsellors. Departure from camp is between 3:05 P.M. and 3:15 P.M. If you would like a better idea of the drop-off time in the afternoon, please give us a call at the office for an estimated time.
The morning and afternoon bus schedule can be affected by differences in weekly attendance. Parents should expect some fluctuations throughout the summer.
Please note that the transportation offered applies to the same address in the morning and afternoon. If you require a different pick-up or drop-off, please call the office for further details. Additional charges may apply.